BE TRUE - NOT VIOLENT is a peace manual. It was written to teach children, youth and adults around the world how to solve their conflicts peacefully. “Be true – Not violent” is a non-commercial project. The manual is edited by the child rights organisation terre des hommes Germany. The aim is to spread the message of non-violence around the world. It is a small step on the path towards living in harmony and peace.
BE TRUE - NOT VIOLENT is a violence prevention programme for school children and social institutions. It is directed to children from 6 to 12 years and to teachers, social workers and parents. The curriculum is structured in a way that it can be used internationally: in crisis regions, in developing countries and also in a daily environment in the western context. Violence can happen anywhere in the world: in schools, in the playground, on the bus and at home.
BE TRUE - NOT VIOLENT is a programme to reduce aggressive behaviour in children. They will learn how to recognize their feelings and to express them in a healthy and positive manner. They also learn to respect their own limits and needs and the limits and needs of others and to identify and deal with their anger and frustrations. Solving conflicts peacefully without the use of force or violence is the learning objective of this programme.